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If the area of the rectangle is 1248 square metres and its breadth is 32 metres, what is its perimeter ?

Asked on by | Votes 0 | Views: 617 | Tags: sbi     | sbi clerk     | sbi clerk 03 june 2012     | mensuration     | quantitative aptitude     | Add Bounty

If the area of the rectangle is 1248 square metres and its breadth is 32 metres, what is its perimeter ?
1). 142 metres
2). 128 metres
3). 148 metres
4). 124 metres

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Answered by on | Votes 3 |

As we know that the area of a rectangle is $ l \times b $ (Where l is length of rectangle and b is breadth of rectangle)

Which is 1248 square meter with breadth(b) 32 meters

So length will be = $\frac{1248}{32} = 39$

Hence, parameter will be equal to = 2(39+32) = 142 m

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Answered by on | Votes 0 |

As we know that the area of a rectangle is $ l \times b $ (Where l is length of rectangle and b is breadth of rectangle)

Which is 1248 square meter with breadth(b) 32 meters

So length will be = $\frac{1248}{32} = 39$

Hence, parameter will be equal to = 2(39+32) = 142 m

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Answer :
Sum of (3+4)

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