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Which among the following is the correct definition of 'Sex Ratio' ?

Asked on by | Votes 0 | Views: 23 | Tags: rbi     | rbi grade b     | rbi grade b 2002     | general knowledge     | Add Bounty

Which among the following is the correct definition of 'Sex Ratio' ?
1). The total number of male of the country's population and the growth rate compared to the
previous census.
2). The total number of the female of that country's population and the growth rate compared to
the previous census.
3). the total number of those women who are in delivery stage.
4). Number of female compared to the each one thousand male of the country's population.

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Answered by on | Votes 2 |
Number of female compared to the each one thousand male of the country's population. is the correct answer as per the ssc answer key

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Answer :
Sum of (2+1)