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In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.Organisation ...66? is a very broad subject that a

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In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Organisation ...66? is a very broad subject that appears frequently in recent management studies. Organisations have many ?.67? to improve whatever it is that they do. They can reflect on their operations, study their products, ...68? to customers, and encourage ...69? parts of the organisation to share knowledge as well as the results of their ?.70? efforts. All firms have these opportunities, although few companies take full ...71? of them Good firms everywhere ?.72? their process and ...73? in order to learn from past success as well as ?.74.... . They measures and benchmark what they do. They try to get different parts of the organisation to ...75? with one another.

1). learning
2). system
3). building
4). structure

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option 2 : - system

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Sum of (2+5)

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