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In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered.These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested one of which fits the blank appropriately Find out the appropriate word in each case.There was once a gardener who (71) care of the King?s g

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In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered.These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested one of which fits the blank appropriately Find out the appropriate word in each case.
There was once a gardener who (71) care of the King?s garden. In the garden lived a family of monkeys.Seeing the gardener at work the monkeys soon (72) to imitate him.As the garden tended the plants and weeded and watered the garden he was amused to see that the monkeys also did (73)/what he did.The gardener was happy that he had so much unpaid help.
One day the gardener wanted to (74)/a fair in the city He had an idea. He called the chief of the monkeys and said to him ?I have to go out for the day. Can you and your family water my plants like you (75) do ?. I promise you that if you help me I will (76) sweets for you from the fair. The monkeys agreed.But after the gardener had left, they had a (77).How much water were they to pour for each plant ? Then one of them said ?For plants with big roots we must pour (78) of water and for the ones with small roots we pour only a little water?.So, the monkeys (79) out each plant and then pushed it back again after looking at the root.As a result many plants (80) and died.On his return the gardener realized that he had been very foolish to trust a bunch of mere monkeys to do his job.

1). call
2). make
3). stall
4). go

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Answered by on | Votes 2 |

Call, make & stall can be eliminated as those doesnt make sense. Between visit and go, visit fits well because go needs a preposition 'to' to give a proper meaning. Hence, E

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Answered by on | Votes 0 |

Call, make & stall can be eliminated as those doesnt make sense. Between visit and go, visit fits well because go needs a preposition 'to' to give a proper meaning. Hence, E

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Sum of (5+4)

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